Eleven legends on one cover, who would have thought that would be possible? We have really changed the way we do things. In a year where we had to adapt to a life online, it only made sense to give you a “Hello Teams” inspired cover. Our digital version of the Magazine gave us the opportunity to award and recognise more than one person this year. These people have all contributed to Hello in one way or another. Thank you for living our Hello Values every day. Congratulations to all of you.
Marketing Manager

South Africa
I’m Kristen,
a.k.a Aunty K
Have you ever wondered why Kristen is perfectly organised? Why her Instagram is packed with photos of plants? Or maybe why she was buying Christmas decorations in January? Well, we have the answers!
“It’s easy to find joy in the smallest of things, that is why I keep an eye out for them every day.”

Congratulations on being on our cover this year!
Thank you very much. I am honoured to be chosen.
Is it true that you grew up in Dubai?
😀 Yeah, for a portion of it. I moved to Dubai when I was 15. I completed my schooling there and also obtained my International Baccalaureate (IB) Diploma. After that, I returned to South Africa to attend University.
How interesting. What and where did you study?
I studied through the University of South Africa (UNISA) and have thus far received Honours in Integrated Organisational Communication.
So, you knew you wanted to work in Marketing from the start.
I knew I needed an outlet for my creativity, and marketing has done, precisely that. I love working in the Marketing field; this is where I’m meant to be as it also allows me to use my organisational skills. There is never a dull moment as things are always changing, and I am challenged every day to improve and grow my skill set.
Not many people can say with confidence that they love what they do. When did you start to take over the Marketing Department?
I joined Hello in August 2018 as the Assistant Marketing Manager, and it was towards the end of 2019 that I gradually took over the department from Elizma as she is now more focused on Malaicha.com operations.
You mentioned that you love to be organized, but I know you LOVE to arrange things to the T.
Yes, that is true, I really love to be organized. Although things are always changing, I try my best to plan and schedule ahead so that the department can be productive. Being organised is particularly essential, especially when there are time constraints.

Give our readers a breakdown of your team.
At the moment there are 11 legends in the Marketing Department:
1 x “Acting Manager” ( 😀 that’s me)
2 x Marketing Coordinators
2 x Social Media – Online Community Coordinators
1 x Animator/Graphic Designer
5 x Graphic Designers

Why don’t you tell our readers about some of the major things the department does?
This year we have set a new record, doing three TV adverts - one for Hello Paisa and two for Hello Pay. Across all business units, the designers work on numerous designs and hundreds of changes every month. Multiple animations are produced monthly, some for TV others for Social Media. The Social Media team responds to an average of 200 queries per day. While the coordinators are always on the move, increasing the milage on the marketing vehicle.
Wow, that’s a busy sounding team!
Indeed, the team is busy, especially towards December. I wouldn’t be able to do my job without my incredible team’s support. I am genuinely grateful for their dedication throughout this past year.

You are considered to be like a mother hen in your department. What drives you to work so hard every day?
My Dad inspires me to work hard, he has an incredible work ethic and has shown me that with hard work and dedication, a successful career can be achieved. I believe in being there for my team no matter what! I lead by example. If I’m there for them, I trust they will do the same for me. Also, it gives me much joy to see my team develop their skills and grow personally.
Not a lot of people know this, but you got engaged this year. Why don’t you tell our readers about it?
We got engaged in January. My fiancé proposed in a park below the Brooklyn Bridge that overlooks the New York skyline. We will be getting married next year August.
How romantic, congratulations from all of us.
Is the
So, there is this rumour going around that you really love the holidays?
I love celebrating every major holiday, but I am OBSESSED with Christmas and go all out for the festive season.
What does “all out” really mean?
😀 It’s quite a production every year as I transform my home into a Christmas wonderland. I go as far as, replacing the ornaments with Christmas ones and even put up Christmas curtains. I have multiple Christmas trees, several varieties of Christmas lights, different colour baubles and ribbons. I’m grateful that my parents support my love for Christmas and allow me to store the decorations in their garage. This year I started buying decorations in January whilst in New York – Talk about getting a head start!

We also know you really love plants. Do you consider yourself to have green fingers?
Yes, I do as my family and friends often give me their plants to revive, and so far, I haven’t failed them. I have recently expanded my collection to my patio, which has provided me with much joy. Going to the nursery is a perfect outing – However, I cannot promise that I won’t come home without a plant or two.
Kristen, it has been a pleasure to get to know you a little more, thank you very much for your time.
It’s been great chatting with you.