Twelve months ago, I wrote this annual letter not knowing of the possibility of a worldwide pandemic.
Today, I feel like many of you, thankful that the year 2020 is coming to an end.
I often tend to see the glass half full, so when the question arose of whether or not we will be doing a Magazine this year, I was nervous about the answer. Luckily, at Hello, we have an endless flow of creativity, new businesses and amazing people that come our way. It was a very easy yes to our 6th annual Hello Covered Magazine.
This year, we did things differently by creating a digital version of our Magazine. Not only was this challenging for me and our Lead Designer, Bianca, but we also had to include, for the first time, our developers to help us create this masterpiece.
A big thank you to the guys behind the scenes that helped to create our digital magazine in record time. Mayur, Prabhat and the rest of the team, you are all rockstars.
With eleven people on our cover, this is by far one of the most unique and wonderful magazines I have ever worked on. Congratulations to each person that is on this year’s cover. It has been an honour to interview and to get to know you all. Thank you for your hard work and for inspiring all our readers.
Even though I haven’t seen most of you this year, I hope that this Magazine connects us all. We have achieved new heights this year at Hello, and we are prouder than ever to have you part of our Hello Family.
My biggest ‘thank you’ goes to Bianca Craven. You have worked days, nights and weekends on creating this Magazine. Thank you for your endless enthusiasm and giving every article your undivided attention. Thank you for wanting the best for this Magazine, I appreciate it more than you know.
Enjoy every article and every photo. They have been written and created for you to learn more about us and most importantly, to just enjoy.
As always, you are welcome to send me any comments to [email protected]